

Because the structure of a special shaped arch bridge is complicated, there are few studies on the fatigue reliability of its suspender. In order to study the fatigue reliability of the suspender of complex shaped arch bridges under live load, the actual project of a 157 m through-type steel arch bridge with three-cable-plane inclined suspenders with special shaped tie bars was studied. The fatigue reliability formula based on Weibull distribution was applied to analyze the fatigue reliability of the suspender under different live load conditions. The results show that the design live load ensures a higher safety reserve and meets the allowable stress requirements of the code, but the live load stress amplitude of some short suspenders in the midspan is large, and the fatigue reliability index is close to the critical value. Therefore, the target value given in the code can be appropriately adjusted. During construction and operation, special attention should be paid to the stress of the short suspender to ensure the safety of the structure.

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Submission Date

March 2025
