

In order to evaluate the practical application effect of plant-mixing hot regeneration technology, this paper, based on the actual project of plant-mixing hot regeneration technology in Liaoning Province, analyzed the use status, technical performance, and construction technology of pavement materials made by plant-mixing hot regeneration technology via measuring the volume index, asphalt content, grading composition, and strength of pavement core samples. The results show that the strength characteristics, high temperature stability, and low temperature crack resistance of the pavement materials made by plant-mixing hot regeneration technology can meet the normal use requirements of asphalt pavement under moderate traffic volume. The overall performance attenuation of pavement made by plant-mixing hot regeneration technology is faster than that of ordinary hot mixed asphalt pavement, and minor or intermediate repair is needed after 5–6 years of pavement regeneration. Therefore, under the condition of moderate traffic volume, the plant-mixing hot regeneration technology has a good practical application effect and is an effective method to realize the sustainable development of asphalt pavement repair and maintenance.

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Submission Date

March 2025
