

Thin-walled hollow piers are widely used in high-pier and long-span continuous rigid-frame bridges. Solar radiation-induced displacements at the tops of ultra-high thin-walled hollow piers can negatively affect the structural alignment and stress during construction and post-construction phases. Based on a 180 m high thin-walled hollow pier of a large bridge in Shaanxi Province, this paper analyzes the temperature field and pier-top displacement using data collected during two 24-hour periods: August 28-29 and October 11-12. The temperature field and pier-top displacement patterns over time were studied using finite element analysis. The results show that the temperature difference between the north and south pier walls is significantly influenced by ambient temperature and diurnal temperature variations. In August, with high ambient temperatures and small diurnal variations, the wall temperature difference is smaller, resulting in smaller pier-top displacements. In October, with lower ambient temperatures and larger diurnal variations, the wall temperature difference is greater, leading to larger pier-top displacements. Pier-top displacement follows a pattern consistent with the temperature difference between the sunlit and shaded pier walls. At a height of 180 m, a temperature difference of 8 °C between the walls causes a maximum pier-top displacement of 52.6 mm. Displacements calculated using the finite element method and code-based methods align well with measured values, demonstrating high accuracy.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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