The stability of slopes and the safety of bridge piles are interdependent, and ensuring the safety of sloping terrain is crucial for the safe construction of bridge piles. Based on three collapsed pile sections of the Huadizhai No. 2 Bridge, this paper utilized geological surveys to design initial terrain and altered terrain slope stability calculation conditions, along with horizontal compensation force calculation conditions under a safety standard of 1.35. By integrating geological analysis, slope stability assessment, and compensation force evaluations, the causes of pile hole collapse and corresponding countermeasures were analyzed. The results show that under the initial terrain, the slopes of the three collapsed pile sections ranged from unstable to relatively stable. After altering the terrain with waste fill, the slopes became relatively stable, with required horizontal compensation forces under a safety factor of 1.35 as follows: K32+973 (4,667 kN/m) > K33+053 (1,478 kN/m) > K32+733 (815 kN/m). The primary cause of pile hole collapse was slope deformation induced by waste fill in gravel soil layers. Secondary factors included the poor bonding and low vertical stability of thick gravel soil layers. The severity of collapses was consistent with the compensation force ranking: K32+973 (severe) > K33+053 (moderate) > K32+733 (mild). The disturbed upper 20 m soil layer of the pile could not support loads effectively, requiring recalibration of effective pile length. Vertical load-bearing characteristics were altered, necessitating reinforcement using anti-slide piles before bridge pile construction. For the K32+973 section, one row of three anti-slide piles was placed on the inner and outer sides of the slope near the pier. For the K33+053 and K32+733 sections, only one row of three anti-slide piles on the slope’s inner side was needed. Deep slope displacement monitoring and structural internal force monitoring for the three problematic pile sections should be enhanced to assess slope reinforcement effectiveness and ensure bridge pile structural safety.
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Submission Date
March 2025
Recommended Citation
Hua, YANG and Xiaotao, YIN
"Study on countermeasures and genetic analysis of sloping bridge pile hole wall failure,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
2, Article 20.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.02.020
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