

The main bridge of the Yibin Nanxi (Xianyuan) Yangtze River Bridge adopts an asymmetric hybrid girder cable-stayed design with a 572 m main span. The main span and the north-side span utilize hybrid girders, while the south-side span uses a concrete girder. A steel-concrete composite section is introduced between the south-side span and the main span. This paper explores multiple schemes for the location and key structural design of the steel-concrete composite section, prioritizing a full-section rib connection with a pressure-bearing shear transfer transition structure. The structural rationality and construction feasibility were verified through on-site static model tests, failure model tests, and casting tests for the steel-concrete composite section. Comparative studies between the on-site model tests and structural analysis show that the structural design of the steel-concrete transition section of the Yibin Nanxi (Xianyuan) Yangtze River Bridge is rational. The structure ensures smooth stiffness transitions, reliable safety under loads, and practical constructability, providing valuable reference and guidance for similar bridge projects.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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