

As a critical load-bearing component in bridge swivel systems, the mechanical behavior of spherical joints is essential for the safety of bridge swiveling operations. This study focuses on the spherical joints of a multi-point support swivel system for the bridge over the Xiangyang North Marshalling Yard. Model tests were conducted to analyze the effects of the number of supporting legs, swivel speed, track smoothness, and wind load on the stress of spherical joints. The stress variation patterns of spherical joints under different working conditions were investigated. The results show that increasing the number of supporting legs improves the uniformity of stress distribution in both upper and lower spherical joints. During the acceleration phase of swiveling, the spherical joints are significantly affected by acceleration effects. In the steady swiveling phase, the stress of the upper spherical joint increases with the swivel angle, while the lower spherical joint maintains relatively uniform stress. A recommended swivel speed of 0.02-0.04 rad/min is proposed. Track irregularities increase the stress variation in spherical joints. As the degree of irregularity increases, the stress variation also intensifies. Under wind loads, the lower spherical joint maintains uniform stress, but the stress in the upper spherical joint increases with the swivel angle. Swiveling operations under high wind speeds should be avoided.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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