To study the dynamic response characteristics of the vehicle-bridge system under moving vehicle loads, a three-span high-pier continuous rigid frame bridge was selected as the research object. A 2-axle, 7-degree-of-freedom vehicle model was applied to explore the effects of vehicle speed, number of vehicles, and vehicle load on the dynamic response of the vehicle-bridge system. The results show that vehicle speed has minimal impact on the peak displacement response of the bridge. However, when vehicles travel at the same speed, the peak displacement response differs across bridge spans, with resonance occurring at a vehicle speed of 40 km/h. As the number of vehicles increases, the duration of significant displacement response at the mid-span of the bridge spans noticeably lengthens. The maximum displacement response at the mid-span of the main span occurs with two vehicles, while the peak vehicle acceleration and the weighted root mean square of acceleration are highest when six vehicles pass over the bridge. As vehicle loads increase, both the displacement and acceleration responses of the bridge show an overall upward trend, while the bridge’s impact factor and various dynamic indices of the vehicles exhibit a decreasing trend.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Huaquan, LIU; Dehai, YANG; Chengqi, CAI; Zhenming, HUANG; and Zhouqi, CHEN
"Analysis on vehicle‐bridge interaction of high‐pier continuous rigid frame bridge,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
2, Article 24.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.02.024
Available at:
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