

To address the issue of excessively large computational models in the numerical simulation of U-shaped stiffened plates in large-span flat steel box girder main girders, this paper proposes a finite element calculation theory using equivalent stiffened plate elements and a simplified method for U-shaped stiffened plates. By simplifying the U-shaped small box ribs in U-shaped stiffened plates into equivalent stiffening strips, the transverse stiffness of the cover plate is redistributed, and the effect of equivalent stiffeners on the stress of the plates is calculated. Stability analysis was conducted using Fortran language developed on the Ansys platform, and the results were compared with those from full shell finite element models. The results show that, compared to full shell finite element models, the proposed equivalent stiffened plate element model yields a relative error of only 5.9% in deflection calculations and approximately 2% in buckling factors for lower-order modes. In addition, the time required to calculate the first five modes using the equivalent stiffened plate element model is about one-third of that required for the full shell finite element model.

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March 2025


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