Focusing on the stability issues of the tunnel face in the large deformation section of soft rock in the Muzhailing Tunnel on the Weiyuan-Wudu Expressway, this paper proposes a technical solution for temporary reinforcement of the tunnel face using pre-stressed rock bolts. Numerical simulations were conducted to evaluate the reinforcement effect and effective range of pre-stressed rock bolts on the tunnel face, and the influence of initial ground stress on the reinforcement effect was further analyzed. The results show that under the given engineering conditions, pre-stressed rock bolts demonstrate significantly better reinforcement effects on the tunnel face compared to fully bonded rock bolts. The reinforcement effect of pre-stressed rock bolts on the rock surrounding the tunnel face contour is limited, suggesting that simplification of reinforcement near the contour may be considered in practical applications. A critical embedding depth exists beyond which pre-stressed rock bolts lose their effectiveness in controlling the final deformation of the tunnel face when their support parameters are determined.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Xiangqian, SHEN; Daoyun, CHEN; and Chao, ZHENG
"Study on supporting effect of pre‐stressed rock bolts on tunnel face,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
2, Article 27.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.02.027
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