

To address the issue of frost damage in tunnels in cold regions, research on thermal insulation and frost prevention is crucial. This paper utilizes an improved analytic hierarchy process combined with grey relational analysis to identify optimal insulation materials suitable for different laying methods that provide effective insulation. Numerical simulation methods were then used to calculate and analyze the tunnel temperature field under various combinations of insulation materials and laying methods. Based on the “composite temperature field” comparison results, the optimal insulation scheme was determined. The results show that the “off-wall laying + Furritek insulation board” combination is the optimal insulation scheme. Its advantage lies in the double-layer insulation formed by the air gap created by the off-wall laying method and the Furritek insulation board, which effectively blocks the transmission of negative temperatures, reducing the impact on the lining structure and surrounding rock. Furthermore, this method is easy to construct and has low maintenance costs. The research results can be applied in engineering practice to reduce the probability of frost damage and provide a reference for thermal insulation and frost prevention design in cold-region tunnels.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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