To understand the gas migration patterns and ventilation disaster prevention techniques during tunnel construction, this paper uses a real tunnel as the engineering context. A 3D transient ventilation physical model was established using Ansys Fluent, and the effects of ventilation on gas concentration were analyzed in combination with on-site monitoring data. The results show that the uneven diffusion of gas and airflow is prominent. Gas concentration and wind speed stabilize at a distance of 120 m from the tunnel face as ventilation time increases. During gas monitoring and prevention, special attention should be paid to the area between the tunnel face and the second lining formwork to ensure gas concentration does not exceed limits. After blasting, the gas concentration at the tunnel face continuously increases, peaking after approximately 15 minutes of ventilation. After 30 minutes of ventilation, the gas concentration stabilizes and falls within the allowable range for construction. Proper control of ventilation time and volume, along with enhanced ventilation in critical areas such as the tunnel arch foot and bottom plate, ensures the safety of tunnel construction.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Zhongqi, WANG; Zhi, LIN; Sen, FENG; Hongyun, YANG; Xiang, CHEN; and Jiang, LIU
"Research on gas migration and ventilation disaster prevention in highway tunnel,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
2, Article 29.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.02.029
Available at:
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