

This paper utilizes discrete-continuum coupled numerical simulation to investigate the failure modes of karst cave roofs with varying spans under specific compaction energy levels. The relationship between the span of the cave roof and the compaction energy required to cause roof collapse is established, providing an estimation method for the maximum unsupported span of cave roofs within the subgrade area. Based on this, the stability of karst cave foundations under the influence of subgrade loads can be evaluated. Depending on the results, a double-layer reinforced continuous concrete slab can be installed in the pavement base to enhance stability and mitigate the risk of collapse from undisturbed karst caves. Finally, a dynamic compaction treatment method for highway subgrades in karst areas is summarized. Based on preliminary survey data, dynamic compaction is applied to large areas of the karst zone using specific compaction energy. During the process, collapsed karst caves are filled, while the stability of undisturbed karst caves is assessed. If stability checks fail, reinforcement measures are implemented in the pavement base layer. This method eliminates the need to identify all karst cave locations and their geometric characteristics, making it a cost-effective and efficient approach to mitigating collapse risks in karst area subgrades. The proposed method has significant potential for widespread application.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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