Optimization study on indoor vibratory compaction curves of cement stabilized macadam
To obtain well-defined secondary convex vibratory compaction curves and reduce the need for supplemental compaction point tests, this paper uses vibratory compaction tests for cement stabilized macadam in laboratory settings. Tests were conducted for two pavement sections along National Highway 110 (Hohhot to Bikeqi), exploring the influence of predefined moisture content intervals on vibratory compaction curves under varying cement dosages. The vibratory compaction curves were also compared with heavy compaction curves for analysis. The results show that the vibratory compaction curve is significantly influenced by the predefined moisture content intervals and cement dosage. For a moisture content interval of 1%, high cement dosages (>5%) resulted in clustering of test points as moisture content increased, whereas low cement dosages (≤5%) produced well-defined vibratory compaction curves. Conversely, with smaller moisture content intervals (0.5%), the curves consistently exhibited better secondary convex characteristics under reasonable cement dosages, allowing the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of cement stabilized macadam to be quickly and accurately determined. Comparison with heavy compaction tests confirmed that the dry density of cement stabilized macadam under vibratory compaction is more sensitive to moisture content. An optimized method for drawing vibratory compaction curves for cement stabilized macadam in the laboratory is proposed. This research not only provides accurate control parameters for mix design under vibratory compaction but also fills a gap in the experience and methodology for drawing indoor vibratory compaction curves.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Youqiang, QIU and Liujun, ZHANG
"Optimization study on indoor vibratory compaction curves of cement stabilized macadam,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
2, Article 33.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.02.033
Available at:
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