
Experimental study on water stability of sand compound modified mud road


Sand compound modified mud, as a coupled medium of sand and soil, differs from traditional modified mud. To further investigate its water stability indicators, orthogonal design was employed to conduct indoor water stability simulation tests (surface infiltration test, underground capillary water test, and dry-wet cycle test) on sand compound modified mud. The water stability of the modified mud was characterized using the change rate of unconfined compressive strength (UCS). The results show that the unconfined compressive strength and water stability of the modified mud were significantly improved. Under different water disturbance conditions, the order of influence of factors such as sea sand content, compaction degree, and curing age on water stability varied. Analysis graphs indicate that all three factors exhibit a positive correlation with water stability. In practical engineering, a combination of sea sand content, compaction degree, and curing age can be comprehensively considered to meet the water stability requirements for modified mud in road applications in the Ningbo region.

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March 2025


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