
Study on alkali excitation mechanism of large dosage slag fine powder


To reveal the alkali excitation mechanism of high-dosage slag, this paper combines a three-factor, three-level orthogonal design with macro- and micro-performance tests and microstructure analysis. The effects of different activators, including Ca(OH)2, Na2SiO3, Na2SO4, and CaSO4, in single and dual combinations on the initial and final setting times, pore solution pH, and strength of concrete were explored. The results show that the impact on the strength of hardened paste of composite cementitious materials is ranked as: activator type > dosage > dual-mix ratio. The optimal dual-mix dosage is 4%, with the best combination being Ca(OH)2 and Na2SiO3 at a ratio of 5:1. Under the action of activators, the initial and final setting times of composite cementitious materials are reduced, and the pore solution pH values are higher than those of the control group. Macro- and micro-level results indicate that at 28 days of curing, the hardened paste achieves the highest hydration crystal phase compactness when the activator type is Ca(OH)2 and Na2SiO3, the dosage is 4%, and the dual-mix ratio is 5:1.

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March 2025


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