

Using digital speckle technology, this paper examines the crack propagation behavior of asphalt concrete under repeated loading, analyzing the crack propagation mechanism from macro- and micro-perspectives under different aging conditions and loading frequencies for four types of asphalt concrete. The results show that the basalt fiber-reinforced asphalt concrete beam specimens delay the onset of the unstable crack propagation phase, thus extending the service life of the asphalt concrete. Aging accelerates the progression of asphalt concrete to the unstable crack propagation point, advancing this stage by 4%-5%. Under repeated loading frequencies of 5 Hz, 10 Hz, and 15 Hz, the damage factors of the asphalt concrete beam specimens exhibit a nonlinear increasing trend. However, for the same number of loading cycles, the damage factor under 5 Hz cyclic loading is higher than those under 10 Hz and 15 Hz, indicating that 5 Hz repeated loading causes more significant damage to asphalt concrete.

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March 2025


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