To investigate the mechanical response of rubber powder modified asphalt pavement under dynamic loads, this paper, based on the “Full-Scale Accelerated Pavement Loading Testing” project, designed experimental schemes for asphalt mixtures with varying rubber powder contents. The paper employed accelerated loading test equipment to evaluate the stress and deformation of pavement structures, obtaining dynamic strain response data to analyze the strain response patterns of various structural layers. Combining finite element numerical simulations and a custom loading program, the paper examined the dynamic responses of rubber powder modified asphalt pavements under variable temperature conditions. The results show that through microscopic testing, Marshall tests, and SHRP tests, the optimal rubber powder content for 70# asphalt modification was determined. Performance technical parameters of rubber powder modified asphalt mixtures were obtained through experimental analysis. Using accelerated loading tests and finite element modeling, the paper compared the rutting deformation patterns of different pavement structures under varying axle load cycles.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Sanqiang, YANG; Shuang, SUN; Qian, LI; Xinlei, LIU; and Lusheng, QIN
"Dynamic load response analysis of rubber powder modified asphalt mixture,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
2, Article 39.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.02.039
Available at:
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