Given the limited research on the vertical curve radius of highway mainline entrance sections and the lack of differentiation between entrance and exit sections in existing studies, this paper identifies merging sight distance as the primary influencing factor for the vertical curve radius of entrance sections. Using merging sight distance as the control condition, the vertical curve radius of entrance sections was studied. A safety merging sight distance calculation model for highway mainline entrance sections was established by analyzing the traffic behavior characteristics of vehicles on the entrance mainline and considering drivers’ psychological and physiological characteristics. The sight distance model incorporates three key indicators: reaction distance, lane-changing distance, and deceleration distance. The smaller value between lane-changing and deceleration distances was used as the control basis to calculate the recommended merging sight distance. The paper considered both crest vertical curves and sag vertical curves. For crest curves, the analysis focused on the top of the grade change point, while for sag curves, it included the influence of headlight illumination distance at night and obstruction of the driver’s sightline by overhead structures. Vertical geometric relationships were used to establish calculation models for the crest and sag curve radii required to meet merging sight distance requirements. By substituting the recommended merging sight distance into the calculation models, the minimum recommended radii for crest and sag vertical curves at entrance sections were obtained. The results show that the requirements for entrance sections are lower than those for exit sections, and the recommended vertical curve radius values calculated using sight distance considerations are lower than those specified in current standards.
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Submission Date
March 2025
Recommended Citation
Yang, LI; Yemei, ZHAO; and Tianxing, CHEN
"Study on the minimum radius of vertical curve of highway main line entrance section based on merging sight distance,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
2, Article 44.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.02.044
Available at:
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