

Dynamic compaction is a commonly used method for treating karst foundations with cavities; however, the design parameters of dynamic compaction under different working conditions lack clear standards. This paper employs the finite element software Abaqus to simulate the effects of surrounding rock quality and karst roof thickness on the stability of karst cave roofs during dynamic compaction treatment. The results indicate that the vertical displacement and maximum tensile stress of karst cave roofs are negatively correlated with roof thickness. For Grade II and III surrounding rocks with better properties, no cave collapse occurred after dynamic compaction treatment. In contrast, for Grade V surrounding rocks with poorer properties, no collapse occurs when the cave roof thickness exceeds 3 m, while treatment requires 2,000 kN·m of compaction energy for roof thicknesses below 2 m, 4,000 kN·m for thicknesses between 2 and 3 m, and 6,000 kN·m to break through and backfill the cave when the thickness is approximately 3 m.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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