To study and verify the compaction control method for high liquid limit clay subgrade in the humid and rainy regions of Guizhou Province, a series of experiments were conducted on high water content and high liquid limit clay from the Kaiyang Expressway (Kaili to Yangjia) in Guizhou. The experiments included wet heavy compaction tests, CBR strength tests, basic physical property tests, consolidation tests, thermogravimetric analysis, and trial road tests to analyze the performance of high liquid limit clay in road applications. The results show that for high liquid limit clay, increasing compaction energy does not always improve performance, as excessive energy reduces CBR strength. The compression coefficient of the soil increases with water content but remains within standard limits even at high water content. During compaction, the dry density reaches a peak value beyond which further rolling reduces efficiency. By considering adsorbed water as part of the solid phase, a compaction control standard for the high liquid limit clay of the Kaiyang Expressway was calculated, which aligns with the actual standard used in construction, validating its practicality and rationality.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Shuliang, XU
"Research on compaction control method of high water content and high liquid limit clay in Guizhou Province,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
2, Article 6.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.02.006
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