

As a kind of asphalt mixture additive and stabilizer, fiber can effectively improve the performance index of asphalt pavement and extend the service life of asphalt pavement. Based on the analysis of relevant literature in China and abroad, this paper summarized the action mechanism of fiber modified asphalt and asphalt mixture, the effect of fiber content on properties, and the characteristics of different types of fiber modified asphalt. Fiber can effectively improve the high temperature property, low temperature property, and fatigue property of asphalt mixture, especially the resistance to low temperature and fatigue cracking of asphalt mixture. The modification effect of fiber can be improved by choosing the appropriate fiber length and content and the surface structure of the modified fiber. Fiber composite modified asphalt can improve the performance of single modified asphalt and further enhance the comprehensive performance of asphalt mixture. Fiber modified asphalt mixture can comprehensively improve the overall performance of asphalt pavement and provide technical support for durable and long-life pavement. Finally, the influence of the fiber reinforcement mechanism on the properties of the asphalt mixture was analyzed, and future research direction was given.

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March 2025


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