In order to understand the causes and development rules of steel wire corrosion diseases inside the hoist cable of half⁃through and through arch bridges, this paper systematically studied the defects and loopholes of the protection system for the hoist cable of two half⁃through steel arch bridges by disintegrating the old hoist cables of Yuehai Bridge in Yinchuan and Xiangjiang Bridge in Heishipu Street in Changsha City. It probed into the distribution rules of corrosion diseases of steel wire inside the hoist cables. The main reasons leading to the difference in steel wire corrosion disease inside the old hoist cables of the two bridges were qualitatively analyzed, providing a reference for the corrosion protection of the hoist cable and the formulation of management and maintenance strategies for half⁃through and through arch bridges during operation.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Hongsheng, XU; Lei, JIANG; and Donghuang, YAN
"Case study of steel wire corrosion in hoist cable of half ⁃through arch bridge,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
3, Article 12.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.03.012
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