

In this paper, a three-dimensional finite element dynamic model of the Longtang Nandujiang Bridge in Hainan Province was established. Firstly, the selection of ground motion input and the establishment of the finite element model were introduced. Secondly, the influence of different design parameters (support radius) of the friction pendulum bearing on the seismic response of the bridge was discussed, and the optimal bearing parameters suitable for the bridge were obtained. Finally, the seismic responses of the bridge under three different constraint structures, namely conventional constraint system, seismic isolation system of friction pendulum bearing, and rigid frame bridge system, were compared. The results show that the friction pendulum bearing can effectively reduce the seismic internal force response and control the actual displacement response within a reasonable range under the transverse or longitudinal seismic input, which proves the effectiveness of the system for the bridge.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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