

Cable hoisting method is the most important construction method for long-span arch bridges. In the process of arch rib lifting, the partial consolidation of the joint caused by temporary bolt connection, the deflection of the tower caused by the temporary construction load of the main cable, and the free expansion of the anchor cable and the buckle cable caused by temperature change will have a great influence on the installation alignment of the arch rib. In this paper, a two-element model method considering stiffness loss was used to calculate the correction value of the arch rib installation alignment more accurately when considering the partial consolidation of arch rib joints. Based on the geometric relationship between cable and tower, the calculation formula of tower deflection and free expansion of anchor cable and buckle cable caused by temperature change was derived, and the correction value of tower deflection and temperature change of anchor cable and buckle cable on arch rib installation alignment was calculated. Finally, the arch rib installation alignment of the long-span cable-hoisted arch bridge was calculated according to the formula that considered the influencing factors. By taking the Lancang River Bridge in Yunnan Province as an example, the arch alignment error meets the standard requirements.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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