

In order to effectively solve the disease problem of orthotropic steel bridge decks, this paper relied on a steel box girder cable-stayed bridge deck reinforcement project to carry out steel bridge deck disease analysis and reinforcement technology research. The results show that the main disease of steel bridge decks is fatigue cracking. The fatigue cracks are numerous, short, and deep, and they continuously grow and cause more severe disease. The excessive fatigue stress amplitude is the main factor leading to the fatigue cracking of steel bridge decks. Once the crack occurs, the stress amplitude of the crack tip increases continuously, and the crack will continue to expand. Theoretically, the improved ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) reinforcement scheme can reduce the fatigue detail stress amplitude and crack tip stress amplitude of steel bridge decks by 86.4% and 92.6%, respectively (both of which are below the fatigue limit of normal amplitude). After actual bridge reinforcement, the fatigue stress amplitude of the steel bridge deck is significantly reduced, and the fatigue disease is effectively alleviated.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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