The newly built Minjiang Bridge in Meishan City, Sichuan Province applies the concept of cable-assisted girder bridge. P4 steel arch tower combined with three-stage balanced double-plane cable and P3 and P5 auxiliary towers combined with thin cable of single cable plane were used to assist the load on the beam body, making the 2.5 m-high concrete main beam meet the requirements of the main span of 2 × 120 m. Through the analysis of the bearing force, the angle between the double-limb arch tower was 43.6°, and two pairs of cables were set in the auxiliary tower to achieve the design purpose of balanced load on the beam body and the steel arch tower. The restraint system adopted the P4 arch tower for tower and beam separation and P3 and P5 auxiliary towers for tower and beam consolidation and pier and beam separation. The whole 8-span bridge totalling 500.5 m was an integrated layout, achieving comprehensive optimal performance such as structural safety, driving comfort, and convenient maintenance in the later period. The main girder was designed with a one-box four-chamber flat concrete box girder according to the full prestressed structure. Edge anchorage and web anchorage were adopted on the main girder for the main tower and auxiliary tower cable, respectively. P4 double-limb steel arch tower used a rotary hinge and “synchronous symmetrical vertical rotation” construction method to rotate the joint arch platform into place and constituted the bridge through the concrete joint section and the special-shaped tower in the concrete space.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Zhendong, MA; Yaping, LAI; and Jiayong, CHEN
"Cable⁃stayed bridge of cable auxiliary beam arch pylon ⁃key technologies design of meishan minjiang bridge,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
3, Article 22.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.03.022
Available at:
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