In order to determine the optimal layout of the cross⁃diaphragms in the oblique small box girder, a prestressed concrete small box girder bridge with a 50 m span was taken as the research object, and its internal force under the load of the moving beam was numerically simulated and measured. First, the model was modified according to the measured stress data, and the maximum distance between the cross⁃diaphragms was determined by using the warping-limited normal stress. Then, the height and thickness of the middle cross⁃diaphragms were determined according to the deflection difference coefficient of the bridge span. Finally, according to the variation law of deflection of small box girder, the optimum number of cross⁃diaphragms was analyzed. The results show that the maximum distance between the middle cross⁃diaphragms is 13.1 m, and the setting of 1–2 middle cross⁃diaphragms will lead to excessive warping normal stress of the box girder due to excessive spacing. In the case of meeting the structural requirements, the larger height of the cross⁃diaphragms indicates smaller strain and better transverse distribution of load. With the increase in the thickness of the middle cross⁃diaphragms, the transverse load distribution effect is enhanced, but the too-large thickness will increase the dead weight of the bridge. With the increase in the number of middle cross⁃diaphragms, the transverse and longitudinal load distribution effects are enhanced, but in view of the influence of the dead weight of middle cross⁃diaphragms, increasing the number of middle cross⁃diaphragms will increase the deflection of the small box girder. In general, the installation of four middle cross⁃diaphragms is the most beneficial to the uniform stress of the small box girder and the stress of middle cross⁃diaphragms, and it meets the structural requirements. Further increasing the number of middle cross⁃diaphragms will significantly increase the deflection of the small box girder.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Xinhao, MAI
"Study on optimal layout of cross ⁃diaphragm in oblique small box girder,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
3, Article 24.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.03.024
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