Combined with the construction process of Nongmo Karst Tunnel on Du’an–Bama Expressway, this paper used Midas-GTS finite element calculation software to conduct numerical simulation research on the stability of surrounding rock and treatment structure of tunnel with karst caves on either side, analyzed the influence of tunnel excavation on the stress and deformation characteristics of surrounding rock and supporting structure, and probed into the treatment effect of biased wall and root pile on the treatment of karst tunnel. The results show that the surrounding rock at the bottom of the tunnel, the top of the composite foundation, and the top of the pile foundation all bulge during tunnel excavation. The horizontal displacement rate of the biased wall near the karst cave varies greatly, and the maximum compressive stress of the biased wall appears in the upper left corner. Special attention should be paid to the stability of this part during tunnel excavation. After the completion of tunnel excavation, the displacement and stress of the treatment structure and surrounding rock tend to be stable, and the treatment scheme of the biased wall and root pile has a good effect.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Haifeng, HUANG; Zhenchao, CHANG; Junhui, LUO; Xiang, ZHOU; Fuquan, CENG; and Fapai, TIAN
"Analysis of mechanical and deformation characteristics of karst tunnel structure and research on treatment technology,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
3, Article 29.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.03.029
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