

The retaining wall is a common slope protection structure. In view of the current insufficient greening and high prefabricated retaining walls, prefabricated ecological grid retaining walls with high construction efficiency and greening features emerge. In order to explore the mechanical characteristics and influencing factors of prefabricated ecological grid retaining walls, Abaqus finite element software was used to discuss the mechanical characteristics of prefabricated ecological grid retaining wall columns and inclined shelves with different embankment heights and different fillings. The results show that different fill heights have different effects on the lateral displacement of the column, and the effect of fill height on the column can be ignored when the fill height is less than 1 m. The lateral displacement of the retaining wall decreases with the increase in cohesion and the decrease in internal friction angle. When the retaining wall is an embankment wall, the equivalent internal friction angle method is not suitable for calculating the force of the inclined shelf. The lateral displacement of the column is small and rotates around the bottom of the column. Due to the open structure of the inclined shelf, the stress distribution law of the inclined shelf is a U-shaped curve, which is different from the trend of the soil arch effect between piles which first increases and then decreases. When the anchor of a single column fails, the increase in lateral displacement of the column is small, and the resultant force point of the inclined shelf is offset.

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March 2025


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