

The construction of a bridge pile foundation and cap not only causes disturbance to its foundation and surrounding soil but also has a certain influence on adjacent existing structures. In order to study the influence of new pile foundation proximity construction on tunnels adjacent to subway sections, this paper took the pile foundation construction process of auxiliary bridge extension on both sides of Shenyang Changqing Bridge as the research object and adopted Midas/GTS finite element numerical simulation and construction monitoring methods to study the influence of new pile foundation proximity construction on tunnels adjacent to subway sections. The results show that: ① In the construction process, the vertical settlement and horizontal convergence of subway tunnel generally show the trend of subsidence and inward convergence, and the settlement caused by it is more obvious; ② The deformation characteristics of subway tunnel are related to various factors, but the influence of the clear distance between adjacent structures is the most significant. A small distance from the construction area indicates greater deformation; ③ In the selection of the construction scheme of straddle pile layout and unilateral pile layout, according to the comparison of the maximum settlement value of the tunnel arch, the impact of straddle cap on the tunnel arch displacement is less, and the safety of the tunnel construction near the subway section is easier to be guaranteed. The research shows that in the close range of existing structures, the construction of new structures must ensure sufficient safety distance and take effective safety measures to reduce the impact.

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Submission Date

March 2025


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