

In order to study the engineering permeability characteristics of cement-modified expansive soil under dry and wet cycles, the mix ratio of cement-modified expansive soil was designed, and the orthogonal design test method was adopted. Image analysis software PACS, unconfined compressive strength test, and laboratory permeability test were used to study the crack development, strength attenuation characteristics, and permeability changes of cement-modified expansive soil under dry and wet cycle conditions. The results show that soil permeability and strength are greatly affected by the number of dry and wet cycles. Under the condition of dry and wet cycles, the moisture content of cement-modified expansive soil is more stable, and the crack resistance, strength, and permeability are obviously improved. The fracture rate, strength attenuation rate, and permeability of low-alkali cement soil are higher than those of ordinary cement soil.

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March 2025


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