

In order to explore the shear strength of fly ash-modified saline soil subgrade under the freeze-thaw cycle, saline soil samples from Suihua–Daqing Expressway were selected for direct shear test under different fly ash contents. The results show that the cohesive force and internal friction angle of the saline soil decrease after several freeze-thaw cycles. With the increase in fly ash content, the internal friction angle, cohesive force, and shear strength of the improved saline soil increase first and then decrease. When the fly ash content is 15%, the cohesive force, internal friction angle, and other mechanical indexes of the saline soil sample reach the maximum. In the process of subgrade construction in the Suihua–Daqing Expressway area, 15% fly ash can be added to subgrade soil to improve the shear strength and the ability to resist the freeze-thaw cycle.

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March 2025


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