

Based on the experimental study of Xinjiang steel slag in cement-stabilized base, the physical and chemical characteristics of steel slag were analyzed, and the unconfined compressive strength, splitting strength, and dry shrinkage performance of cement-stabilized steel slag and gravel mixture with different cement dosages (4% and 5%) and steel slag contents (30%, 40%, and 60%) were analyzed. The test results show that steel slag can be used as a good engineering aggregate in a cement-stabilized base, and with the addition of steel slag, the unconfined compressive strength and splitting strength of steel slag and gravel mixture are increased to varying degrees, and the dry shrinkage deformation decreases with the increase in the proportion of steel slag, indicating that steel slag has a compensation effect on the dry shrinkage deformation of the cement-stabilized base. According to the engineering application, the modified EDTA formula V = V1 -V2-V3×P is proposed, which can accurately detect the cement mixing amount, and the analysis shows that the inclusion of steel slag in the base has certain economic benefits.

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March 2025


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