Due to its structural properties, natural soft clay is prone to produce large cumulative deformation under cyclic loads such as traffic, which has a great impact on engineering. In order to solve the deformation problem caused by structural failure of soft clay under dynamic action, dynamic characteristics of undisturbed soft clay near a highway in Hangzhou were tested by the dynamic triaxial device under cyclic loading, and the dynamic characteristics of saturated undisturbed soft clay under different effective consolidation confining pressures, vibration frequencies, and dynamic stress ratios under K0 (static earth pressure coefficient) consolidation conditions were studied. The results show that under the same test conditions, the axial strain develops faster under the action of low effective consolidation confining pressure, low vibration frequency, and high dynamic stress ratio. By considering the effect of effective consolidation confining pressure, vibration frequency, and dynamic stress ratio, the expression relation that can describe the axial cumulative strain of the soil sample is obtained, providing a basis for the deformation calculation and prediction of structural soft clay under dynamic loads such as traffic.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Zhi, DING; Jiangang, YU; Miaomiao, SUN; Jiawei, WANG; and Ke, YE
"Research on cyclic accumulative strain characteristics of structured soft clay,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
3, Article 36.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.03.036
Available at:
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