

In order to clarify the correlation between saturated water content variability and slope stability, characteristic tests on saturated water content of granite residual soil affected by acid were carried out. Direct shear tests were carried out to test the variation rule of saturated water content and its characteristic value under the influence of vertical loading and acidification time, and the internal causes of variation were deduced based on the structural characteristics obtained by microscope electron microscopy. The results show that: ① The vertical pressure σ = 300 kPa is the turning point of the linear and nonlinear relationship, and under the same vertical pressure, the acidification time is positively correlated with the saturated water content; ② The ion exchange efficiency between the surface ions of mineral particles and the acid solution is the highest when pH = 4 for 30 days of acidification, so pH = 4 is the characteristic value of acidity that affects the saturated water content. When the water chemical reaction of the saturated sample under pH > 4 is almost finished, there is a peak saturated water content. ③ The microstructure reflects that the change of saturated water content under acid etching is mainly related to the cementation type. The cementation type pattern under different acidity and acidification time is summarized.

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March 2025


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