

With steel slag as coarse aggregate, cement-stabilized steel slag macadam base material was designed and prepared by selecting three kinds of cement dosage and three kinds of steel slag content. The mechanical properties of cement-stabilized steel slag macadam base were studied through compaction and unconfined compressive strength tests, and XRD and SEM microscopic tests were carried out to analyze the mineral composition and microscopic morphology of steel slag and mixture and clarify the internal mechanism of hydration product formation and microstructure and strength formation. The results show that the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of cement-stabilized steel slag macadam mixture gradually increase with the increase in steel slag content under the same cement dosage, and the unconfined compressive strength decreases. Compared with cement-stabilized macadam mixture, the strength reduction of cement-stabilized mixture with steel slag content of 50% and 100% is 8.8%–11.4% and 10.5%–15.9%, respectively. Microscopic analysis shows that steel slag contains a large amount of CaCO3, SiO2, iron, aluminum, and other metal oxides. The characteristic peaks of quartz (SiO2) and calcium silicate (Ca2SiO4) in cement-stabilized steel slag macadam mixture after curing for seven days are obvious. Meanwhile, the diffraction peaks of calcium silicate hydrate and calcium aluminate increase correspondingly, and hydration products such as C-S-H gel and ettringite gradually increase. The pozzolanic effect of steel slag is conducive to the formation of hydration product network structure.

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March 2025


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