In order to comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of expressway drainage systems in rainy areas and comprehensively analyze the factors affecting the effectiveness of drainage systems, this paper took the perfection of drainage system, stability of drainage facilities, and road traffic safety as the first-level evaluation index and six kinds of influencing factors such as the degree of integrity as the second-level index, and it put forward the evaluation criteria of the effectiveness of expressway drainage system in rainy areas. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was used to determine the membership degree of expert scoring through the trapezoid membership function, and then the weight of evaluation indexes was determined by the analytic hierarchy process to establish an evaluation system. An expressway in Hunan Province was taken as an example to analyze and verify the results. The results show that the conclusions obtained by using the evaluation model are basically consistent with the qualitative field investigation, which has a certain reference value for the effectiveness evaluation of the expressway drainage system in rainy areas.
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Submission Date
March 2025
Recommended Citation
Datian, LUO; Jiayi, LI; and Jingrong, ZOU
"Study on effectiveness evaluation method of expressway drainage system in rainy area,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
3, Article 4.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.03.004
Available at:
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