Under the new climatic environment and engineering construction requirements, engineering problems involving red clay are becoming more and more prominent, and it is urgent to deeply grasp the mechanical and engineering properties of residual slope red clay. The typical red clay in Hunan Province was studied in this paper. Based on the unconsolidated undrained direct shear test, this paper studied the mechanical properties of residual slope red clay under the influence of moisture content and temperature, focusing on the most unfavorable conditions affecting the mechanical properties of red clay. The results show that: ① The shear strength of red clay decreases by 10%–40% with the increase in moisture content under the influence of single factor moisture content. By considering the influence of water content and temperature, the shear strength of red clay decreases with the increase in moisture content when the temperature increases. ② The cohesive force of red clay is affected by both temperature and moisture content. At the same temperature, the moisture content increases, and the cohesive force decreases by 40%–70%. Higher temperature indicates less influence of moisture content on the cohesive force. At the same moisture content, the cohesive force is the least when the temperature is 30 °C. ③ In the non-extreme temperature range (10–30 °C), the internal friction angle of red clay is mainly affected by temperature, and the internal friction angle increases by 5%–10% with the increase in temperature.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Jiangtao, WANG; Temenbaiyila, BAO; Weiguang, YANG; Qi, ZHOU; and Helin, FU
"Analysis of influence of moisture content ⁃temperature dual factor on mechanical properties of red clay,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
3, Article 40.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.03.040
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