In order to practice the concept of green development and promote the transformation and upgrading of highways in Qinling Mountain areas, the paper took Taibai–Fengxian Expressway, a typical demonstration project of green highway in Shaanxi Province as the basis to explore the practical experience of green highway construction suitable for Qinling Mountain areas. The project is located in the hinterland of the Qinling Mountains, with a sensitive water environment, important ecological functions, and rich tourism resources. In addition, it adopts EPC mode. Through the all-round and whole-process implementation of the green concept, the project was planned and launched from the perspectives of protecting the ecological environment, promoting natural harmony, improving project quality, and advancing intelligent management and control. It also focused on integrated transportation and tourism development, expanded service functions, innovated management mechanism, and highlighted green construction supervision, and other aspects, so as to provide the experience of green highway construction in Qinling mountain areas, provide technical support for improving the construction of green highway system, and realize the harmony and unity of man, highway, and nature.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Shuohan, GAO; Lei, ZHANG; Fuqiang, ZHAO; Dong, WANG; Gang, LI; Xuexin, LIU; and Jialin, YAO
"Construction and management practice of green highways in qinling mountains,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
3, Article 44.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.03.044
Available at:
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