

In order to study the influence mechanism of anti-slide pile position on the stability of the slope and optimize the supporting parameters of anti-slide piles reasonably, a three-dimensional continuous and discrete coupled numerical model of the slope was established based on the finite difference theory and discrete element theory of a highway cut slope in southwest China. The influence mechanism of anti-slide pile position on the stability of the cut slope was analyzed from macro and micro perspectives. The results show that the force chain of particles on the sliding surface is thin at the top and dense at the bottom, and the rotation state of particles has an obvious stratification phenomenon. The contact force chain and rotation state of particles in the discrete domain can represent the stable state of the slope body from the microscopic level. The position of the anti-slide pile affects the position and shape of the slide surface, and the maximum displacement of the slope decreases first and then increases when the pile moves from bottom to top. The bending moment curve of the anti-slide pile is approximately parabolic, and the maximum value is located at the top of the rock-socketed section of the anti-slide pile; the maximum value of shear occurs below the rock-socketed end of the pile.

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March 2025


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