For three kinds of construction technologies of double-layer drainage pavement (traditional “hot + cold” paving technology, “hot + warm” paving technology, and “hot + hot” integrated molding technology), the discrete element method and laboratory test were used to make plate specimens and cylindrical specimens, respectively, and the interlayer morphology of double-layer drainage pavement under the three kinds of construction technologies was compared. Based on the virtual shear test and laboratory direct shear test, the effects of construction technologies and amount of adhesive oil on the interlayer shear strength of double-layer drainage pavement were analyzed. By means of visualization, the distribution law of void ratios in different layers was obtained. The results show that the interface between layers in the traditional paving technology tends to be horizontal, while the interface between layers in the other two paving technologies is staggered and squeezed. The shear strength of the interlayer interface of the double-layer drainage pavement based on the integrated molding technology is significantly higher than that of the two paving technologies. Under the three construction technologies, the void ratio of each layer basically conforms to the distribution law of smaller near the center of the specimen and larger outside the specimen. The “hot + warm” paving technology is a construction method worth exploring for the current double-layer drainage pavement.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Zhenshan, ZHANG; Gongyun, LIAO; Can, WANG; Yi, ZHANG; Yang, CAI; Xin, FANG; and Wei, WU
"Detailed structure of double ⁃layer porous asphalt pavement under three paving technologies,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
3, Article 7.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.03.007
Available at:
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