In view of the cold working environment and road diseases of asphalt pavement in the heavy freezing area of Inner Mongolia, a control index of pavement structure based on crack resistance was proposed. The calculation models of the newly built basalt fiber asphalt pavement structure and the pavement after cracks were established by using Ansys finite element software. The mechanical parameters, thermophysical parameters, and other parameters of the basalt fiber asphalt pavement were determined through laboratory tests, and the crack resistance indexes under the coupling action of low temperature and load were calculated, respectively. The fatigue life of basalt fiber asphalt mixture was tested to verify the correctness of the finite element simulation results. The results show that under the coupling effect of low temperature and load, the crack resistance indexes of the newly built basalt fiber asphalt pavement at the crack point are improved. The influence of different load positions on different crack propagation periods of cracked basalt fiber asphalt pavement is different. The crack coefficient index KR of cracked basalt fiber asphalt pavement is smaller under the effects of low temperature-positive load KⅠ, low temperature-partial load KⅠ, and low temperature-partial load KⅡ. Under different temperatures and stress levels, the fatigue life of basalt fiber asphalt mixture is always significantly higher than that of ordinary asphalt mixture.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Yinchuan, GUO; Chenwei, HAO; Han, GUO; Li, FAN; Aiqin, SHEN; and Lusheng, WANG
"Crack resistance of basalt fiber asphalt pavement under the coupling effect of low temperature⁃load in heavy freezing area,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
3, Article 9.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.03.009
Available at:
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