To study the influence of different subgrade types on the low-temperature shrinkage performance of asphalt pavement, this paper designed two kinds of asphalt pavement combination structures for the semi-rigid subgrade and flexible subgrade: AC-16+cement-stabilized gravel and AC-16+asphalt-stabilized gravel. Strain gauges were attached at the center of the sides of the two materials and at the characteristic positions of the interfaces between the layers, and the resistance strain gauge measurement method was employed to carry out the temperature shrinkage test of the combined structure and thus obtain the strain changes at each position during the cooling process, with the influence of the subgrade type on the low-temperature shrinkage performance of the surface layer analyzed. Specifically, the test temperatures were -30–20℃, with every 10℃ as a temperature range. The results show that at the same temperature, the strain value of the flexible subgrade at each characteristic position is very close to the asphalt surface layer, with the absolute difference between the two being 3.1%. The temperature shrinkage of the asphalt surface layer corresponding to the flexible subgrade is closer to the free state of the monolithic deformation. In each temperature range, the constraint strain of the flexible subgrade on the asphalt surface layer is reduced by an average of 76.7% compared with the semi-rigid subgrade structure. With the decreasing temperature, the average interlayer strain difference increases, with the interlayer strain difference of the flexible subgrade structure much smaller than that of the semi-rigid subgrade structure. The results well explain the difference in the low-temperature shrinkage capacity of asphalt pavement layers under different subgrade types, which can provide better theoretical support for asphalt pavement structures in cold regions.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Yongli, XU; Yang, GUO; and Zhiqi, SUN
"Study on influence of different subgrade types on low temperature shrinkage performance of asphalt pavement,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
4, Article 12.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.04.012
Available at:
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