Large-span and narrow suspension bridges featuring flexible structures and low overall stiffness have prominent wind resistance problems. Structural static and dynamic stiffness is the basic parameter for wind resistance of long-span bridges. By taking a large-span and narrow suspension bridge as the research project, this paper comparatively analyzed the effects of parameters such as stiffened girder stiffness, main cable span ratio, main cable spacing, and lifting point width on the static and dynamic stiffness based on the theory of spatial cable segmental suspension lines and three-dimensional finite element models of bridges under multi-working condition systems. The results show that the stiffened girder stiffness contributes more to the overall stiffness of the bridge, positively correlates with the static and dynamic stiffness of the structure, and especially has obvious influence on the vertical and torsional static and dynamic stiffness of the structure. The main cable span ratio exerts a greater effect on the torsional static and dynamic stiffness of the bridge, while the main cable spacing and lifting point width have limited effect on the static and dynamic characteristics of the bridge.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Songke, SONG; Jiayong, HE; Qian, CHEN; Taoming, DU; Yongle, LI; and Chuanjin, YU
"Research on effect of structural system on static and dyn amic stiffness of large-span and narrow suspension bridges,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
4, Article 13.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.04.013
Available at:
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