To solve the corrosion and fracture of prestressed tendons in the end-anchor area of post-tensioned prestressed concrete (PC) girders under the chlorine salt environment, this paper employed electrochemically accelerated corrosion tests to obtain three PC members after the fracturing of prestressed tendons in the end-anchor area, and then carried out the static drawing test to study the effects of concrete strength and stirrup diameter on the bonding performance of prestressed tendons after fracturing. The results show that the bond damage of the strands starts at the drawing end and gradually develops to the free end. Additionally, increasing the concrete strength and stirrup diameter can improve the bonding performance between the prestressed tendons and the concrete interface. The numerical simulation on the bonding performance of the prestressed tendons after fracturing was carried out by utilizing Abaqus software, and the results show that the bonding-slipping numerical simulation results are consistent with the variation rule of the test values, with a high degree of consistency. Meanwhile, the stress cloud maps of the concrete and prestressed tendons demonstrate that the stress of the concrete and prestressed tendons is reduced along the drawing end of the specimen to the free end, with stress loss during stress transfer.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Pan, YONG; Cong, LI; Guan, CHEN; Dan, XIANG; Xianwei, HU; and Honghe, QI
"Experimental and simulation study on bond degradation of fractured prestressed tendons,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
4, Article 15.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.04.015
Available at:
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