

Substation structures are important components of the bridge structure, and their durability will affect the service life of the overall bridge structure. Since the overall structure of a multi-tower suspension bridge is more flexible with larger deformation, and the cumulative displacement at the substation structure is also larger, the durability problem of the substation structure is more prominent under multi-tower suspension bridges. To qualitatively analyze the influence of the structural parameters of the bridge structure (including tower-beam connection and cable-beam connection methods) on the durability of the substation structure, this paper built a finite element model of a four-tower suspension bridge, and carried out calculations by influence line loading to obtain the cumulative displacement at the beam ends and supports under different tower-beam connection and cable-beam connection methods. The results show that the tower-beam consolidation method has the most significant effect in reducing the accumulation of the longitudinal and corner displacement at the beam ends. The stronger constraints of the longitudinal tower-beam connections lead to smaller longitudinal displacement at the beam ends and the supports. Additionally, the installation of a central buckle is conducive to reducing the accumulation of longitudinal displacement and corner displacement.

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March 2025


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