This paper aims to study the effect of shear deformation on the manufacturing and erection alignment of main girders of free cantilever erection steel box girder bridges and better design the state of bridge formation state. To this end, it calculated the shear stress coefficient of uniformity of the steel box girder’s cross-section by adopting the finite element method and conducted comparison with the solid model of the plate and shell units of the steel box girder. The results show that the shear stress coefficient of uniformity calculated by finite element software is accurate and reliable. Additionally, simple modeling indicates that shear deformation leads to changes in the manufacturing and erection alignment of the main girder, and neglecting shear deformation will affect the erection joints of the upper and lower wing plates of the old and new girder segments, ultimately influencing the smoothness of the completed bridge. By comparing the changes in the manufacturing and erection alignment of the main girder of a large-span cable-stayed bridge which was built by the utilization of free cantilever erection, this paper pointed out the importance of the manufacturing and erection alignment.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Jin, WANG and Changsong, CHEN
"Influence of shear deformation on manufacturing and erection alignment,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
4, Article 17.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.04.017
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