In view of the complex temperature effect of the single-box double-chamber box girders, this paper aimed to carry out the temperature gradient study of box girder cross-sections by employing a short-tower single-box double-chamber cable-stayed bridge with span arrangement of (120+120) m. 21 temperature sensors were installed at the cross-sections of large-mileage closure sections, with the set collection frequency of one time per hour and a wireless collection module for data collection. Meanwhile, temperature observation was carried out for a period of 171 d to obtain the distribution law of the temperature gradient in cross-sections of the closure sections. The study shows that the temperature difference between the box girder body and the atmospheric temperature is closely related, and the average temperature of the box girder body has the same changing trend with the atmospheric temperature. Additionally, the correlation coefficient R of the highest and lowest average temperatures of the box girder body and the corresponding highest and lowest atmospheric temperatures is 0.958 and 0.931 respectively, with high correlation between the temperature difference of the box girder body and atmospheric temperature. In addition, this paper carried out temperature gradient research based on the measured temperature difference at 16:00 when the overall temperature difference is the largest and the predicted maximum temperature difference, and proposed a prediction formula for the vertical overall temperature gradient of box girder cross-sections considering the daily total solar radiation I, daily atmospheric temperature difference T, and daily average wind speed w. Then the formula was compared with the formulas of the literature, thereby proving the validity of the prediction formula proposed by this paper. Finally, to cope with the maximum transverse temperature difference of 4.54℃ at the top and 1.99℃ at the bottom of the tested cross-section, this paper further put forward prediction formulas for the transverse temperature gradients at the top and bottom of the box girder, and found the correlation coefficients to be 0.819 and 0.851 respectively.
Publication Date
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Submission Date
March 2025
Recommended Citation
Wenbin, YANG
"Study on temperature gradient of long-span single-box double-chamber box girder bridge,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
4, Article 18.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.04.018
Available at:
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