The bridge alignment design is the straight line+circular curve+straight two-way longitudinal slope vertical curve variable curvature steel bridge jacking. To deal with this problem, this paper analyzed the shortcomings of existing schemes such as real-time or multiple adjustments to the temporary pier top elevation, and proposed a jacking scheme of taking full advantage of the steel bridge’s characteristics including small flexural rigidity, strong adaptive deformation ability and high material strength, without adjusting the temporary pier top elevation. Additionally, the whole-process finite element simulation analysis was conducted on this scheme via a background project, with the calculation results revealing safety and feasibility. In the adoption of the scheme for jacking of the real bridge, the temporary pier and steel bridge were safe and stable during the whole jacking, and the alignment was smooth after completing the jacking. The parameter analysis of increasing both longitudinal slopes and decreasing the radius of the middle curve shows that under the premise of keeping the tangent length unchanged, even if the gradients of both longitudinal slopes reach the maximum value specified in the specification and the radius of the middle curve is smaller than the minimum value specified in the specification, the jacking scheme which does not adjust the pad thickness can still satisfy the safety requirements, thus broadening the application scope of the proposed scheme.
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Submission Date
March 2025
Recommended Citation
Hongwu, ZHANG; Hongjun, KE; Zhuoyi, CHEN; and Wu, YANG
"Study and implementation of jacking scheme of vertical curve beam with two -way longitudinal slope without adjusting temporary pier top elevation,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
4, Article 19.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.04.019
Available at:
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