A large number of goaf under sand-loess areas in China greatly restrict the highway construction development in sand-loess areas. Meanwhile, the goaf evaluation beneath under subgrade in sand-loess areas is especially important. According to the characteristics of goaf beneath the highway of sand-loess areas, based on FLAC3D software, this paper selected reasonable parameters to build the model of goaf under subgrade. Additionally, based on the mechanical property analysis of sand loess, the laws of surface movement and deformation parameters of the goaf under the subgrade were summarized, and the surface movement and deformation areas were identified, with the range of the most dangerous areas on the surface in sand-loess areas marked. Finally, important references were provided for the route selection and highway management in the goaf.
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Submission Date
March 2025
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Mingxuan, LEI; Guotian, LIU; Weiwei, SU; Liujun, ZHANG; and Lihua, YIN
"Study on laws of surface movement a nd deformation of goaf under subgrade in sand-loess area,"
Journal of China & Foreign Highway: Vol. 43:
4, Article 2.
DOI: 10.14048/j.issn.1671-2579.2023.04.002
Available at:
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